C Programming Tutorial - How to Calculate Interest

Hey Guys,

Lets see how we can calculate page views for a website and interest rate in a bank.

Lets say we want to calculate page view for a website

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int pageViews = 0;
    pageViews = pageViews + 1; 
    printf("Page views: %d \n", pageViews);
    pageViews = pageViews + 1;
    printf("Page views: %d \n", pageViews);
    pageViews = pageViews + 1;
    printf("Page views: %d \n", pageViews);

Lets make it an interest calculator.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    float balance = 1000.00;
    balance *= 1.1 ; {This is a short hand way of writing  balance = balance*1.1;}
     printf("balance: %f \n", balance);

Lets say everytime when it print this out that is one year or something. So lets see after three years what would be the interest?.
      balance *= 1.1 ;
      printf("balance: %f \n", balance);
      balance *= 1.1 ;
      printf("balance: %f \n", balance);
